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Rock in Sand

Holistic Energy Care

Holistic Energy Care recognizes that we are more than just physical bodies – we are intricate beings of energy, interconnected and influenced by the energetic forces that surround us. Through various modalities such as Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Grid Alignment, Breath-work and Sound Rejuvenation. Holistic Energy Care works on the principle that imbalances or blockages in our energy systems can lead to physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments. By restoring and harmonizing the flow of energy within us, Holistic Energy Care helps us reconnect with our innate vitality and wholeness.


Chakra Balancing 

Chakra balancing is a holistic practice rooted in ancient Eastern traditions that seeks to restore balance and vitality to the body, mind, and spirit. It revolves around the concept of chakras, which are seven energy centers located along the spine, each associated with specific physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life. 
The aim is to release blockages, alleviate physical and emotional ailments, and promote overall well-being. This deeply transformative practice fosters a sense of inner peace, self-awareness, and spiritual growth, facilitating a harmonious connection between an individual's inner and outer worlds.



Aural Grid Alignment

Aural Grid Alinement is an innovative and spiritually-grounded approach that focuses on the human aura, which is often described as the energetic field surrounding the physical body. This practice aims to cleanse, balance, and amplify the individual's aura, to create a customized energy grid around the client, aligning with their unique energy signatures. This intricate grid works to clear blockages, release negative patterns, and enhance the flow of positive energy, promoting emotional clarity, physical vitality, and spiritual growth. 


Energy Healing

Holistic Energy Attunement

This therapeutic approach involves the channeling, manipulation, and balancing of this energy to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Energy healers employ a variety of techniques, by doing so, they aim to alleviate physical ailments, reduce stress, anxiety, and emotional distress, and enhance overall vitality. Energy healing is based on the premise that when the body's energy is in harmony, it can support the body's natural capacity to heal itself, facilitating a sense of inner peace and holistic wellness.


Kundalini Yoga Outside

Breath Work

Breathwork is a holistic practice that focuses on conscious control and manipulation of one's breath to achieve various physical, mental, and emotional benefits. By intentionally altering the rhythm, depth, and pattern of breathing, individuals engage in a powerful tool for stress reduction, emotional regulation, and self-awareness. Breathwork techniques can range from slow, deep diaphragmatic breaths to more dynamic practices like pranayama in yoga, each offering distinct advantages. This mindful approach to breathing not only oxygenates the body but also calms the nervous system, promoting relaxation, increased energy, and enhanced mental clarity. It is a versatile practice that can be integrated into various wellness routines, making it a valuable tool for those seeking improved overall well-being and



Singing Bowl Sound Healing

Sound Bath Rejuvenation

Sound bath healing is a therapeutic practice that utilizes the soothing and harmonious vibrations of sound to promote relaxation, stress reduction, and emotional well-being. During a sound bath session, participants typically lie down comfortably while a trained practitioner plays a variety of instruments, such as Tibetan singing bowls, gongs, chimes, and crystal bowls. These instruments emit resonant frequencies that create a immersive auditory experience, enveloping participants in a cocoon of sound. As the sound waves wash over the body and mind, they are believed to help release tension, clear energy blockages, and induce a meditative state, allowing individuals to reach a deep state of relaxation and potentially access a heightened sense of self-awareness and inner healing. Sound bath healing is increasingly popular as a complementary therapy for managing stress, anxiety, and promoting overall holistic well-being.



Crystal Attunement

Crystal healing is a holistic and alternative practice that involves the use of various crystals and gemstones to balance and enhance the body's energy centers, known as chakras, and promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Practitioners believe that each crystal possesses unique vibrational properties and energies that can interact with the body's own energy field, or aura. During a crystal healing session, individuals may place crystals on specific areas of the body, wear them as jewelry, or hold them in their hands while focusing on their intentions and desired outcomes. Proponents of crystal attunement  claim that it can help alleviate a range of ailments, reduce stress, enhance mental clarity, and facilitate emotional healing. While scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited, many people find value in the practice as a complementary and mindfulness-based approach to well-being and personal growth.



Marconics Ascension Energy

Marconics Ascension Energy, introduced to the planet in 2012, brings the multi-dimensional holographic body templates into balance within the physical construct, by reclaiming fragmented soul aspects from multi-dimensional timelines in preparation for higher ascension.  The frequencies raise the vibration of the spiritual, mental and emotional bodies above the paradigm of FEAR, and SEPARATION, as they begin to draw down higher light codes for the activation of 12 x 12 strand DNA, and beyond.   Marconics upgrades the multi-dimensional lightbody for assimilation of higher ascension frequencies.  “The true process of human ascension is the expansion of perceptual consciousness into higher dimensional fields of identity”.


Tremendous healing can and does occur on many levels for the client who is ready to meet themselves in Higher bandwidths.   It is not a healing modality, per se, but healing is a by-product due to the simple fact that higher vibrations support clearing lower dense vibrations and allow the physical and energetic body to resonate and come into alignment.  The healing is directed by the client’s Higher Self Team, not the practitioner nor the client’s human self.   There are two session types offered, the No Touch and The Quantum Recalibration.

Lucy Barna 





Sound Healing w/ Tara

Sound healing has been used for thousands of years in many ancient cultures. I learned about it on my quest to find more ways of calming the body’s fight or flight response. Sound healing has since become a passion and I’m grateful to offer this service. 


Clients need to consult with their physician and get approval to attend these sessions if they have metal in their bodies, suffered concussions, have a pacemaker, use an insulin pump, and the like. If in doubt, consult your physician before our time together.


It is recommended clients wear noise canceling headphones for online sessions. Clients can expect 5-10 minutes of talking to gather necessary information at the beginning and end of the session. The remainder of time will be spent in a sound bath. I will play a variety of instruments such as singing bowls, chimes, natural elements, and singing pyramids. The majority of participants feel calm and peaceful during and after sound healing. Other emotional responses and physical sensations are normal. Examples include crying, sadness, anger, tingling, temperature change, etc. It is believed painful emotions are being released from the body and may take repeat sessions to experience full benefit.

$75 (1 on 1 Session)

Sound healing (group): $70 for one person, $35 per additional person. 


Soul Support w/ Tara

The general focus for Soul support sessions is to manage stress and create healthier relationships from a higher perspective. We observe your nervous system’s influence on the mind and body and then learn how to regulate unhelpful patterns. Many of us feel stuck in trauma and need support. I provide information and help you build the confidence to heal and grow. Ultimately, you are radically empowered to create your own peaceful stillness.
Hybrid (soul support and sound healing): $80 


Intuitive Massage
Medical Massage

My intuitive approach, where I tap into the energetic expression of the body to see what it may be calling for and go from there, communicating with the client with their comfort level and breathing through anything that may be arising into their consciousness.


Being a Medical Massage Practioner (MMP), allows me to transform my clients into patients, working with prescriptions and doctors to help relieve any pain in the body.

The medical massage is more sight specific, requiring focus, communication and documentation on findings within the body.

Intuitive Massage:

1 hr- $100

1 ½ hr- $150

2 hr- $200

Medical Massage:

1 hr- $150

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