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Zodiac Chart

Astrology Readings...

Astrologer Writing Natal Chart

Our astrology readings are interpretations and analyses of an individual's personality traits, behaviors, life events, and future prospects based on their birth chart. Astrology is an ancient belief system that suggests the positions and movements of celestial bodies, such as planets and stars, at the time of a person's birth can influence their life.


To create an astrology reading, an astrologer needs the following information:


Birth Date: The date of birth is used to determine the zodiac sign.

Birth Time: The exact time of birth is crucial for accurately calculating the positions of the Moon and other planets in the birth chart.

Birth Place: The birthplace is needed to calculate the positions of the celestial bodies based on the longitude and latitude of the location.


Using this information, our astrologers create a birth chart, also known as a natal chart. This chart is a graphical representation of the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, and other astrological points at the time of birth. The chart is typically divided into 12 sections or "houses," each representing different aspects of a person's life, such as personality, career, relationships, and health.


During an astrology reading, the astrologer analyzes the positions and aspects (angular relationships) between the planets, as well as their placements in the zodiac signs and houses. They use their knowledge of astrological principles, symbolism, and interpretation to gain insights into the individual's personality and life experiences.

Astrology Readings w/ Victoria

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Natal Chart Initial Reading
$100 - (60minutes):

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Your natal chart is a snapshot of the planets at the moment you were born, and provides information about who you are, significant influences in your life, your life lesson and much more. 

You will receive a copy of your natal chart with reading. 

Natal Chart Follow up$50 - (30 minutes):

This reading will provide more detailed information that was not discussed in the initial reading. You will receive a copy of your natal chart with the reading.

Natal Chart with Tarot Card
$125- (1.5 hour):

This Reading can either be the initial reading or the follow up reading, with the addition of a clarification of a Tarot Card, providing more information on a topis of your choice from the reading.


You will receive a copy of your natal chart with the reading. 

Astrology Readings w/ Renata

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Astrology Readings w/ Johanna


Natal Chart reading – 1hr, $100


Natal Chart reading  Current Events (Transits, and Progressions) – 1.5hr, $140


Your natal chart is a snapshot of the planets at the moment you were born, and provides information about who you are, significant influences in your life, your life lesson and much more. 

You will receive a copy of your natal chart with this reading.

Natal Chart specific question - 0.5hr, $60

Current Events specific question - 0.5hr, $60

Astrology Consultations

$100 + tax for 60 minutes

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Explore your chart with your own personal Astro-Advocate.

I help uncover aspects of your natal, progressed, solar return or transit charts to help get you on track to follow your true happiness.

My approach is a “Moditional” (Modern/Traditional) empowering analysis of your astrological signatures.

What are your cosmic super powers? With true self-awareness, acceptance and alignment with the stars, we'll find your most fortunate pathway together.

This reading will provide more detailed information that was not discussed in the initial reading. You will receive a copy of your natal chart. 

Synastry – two chart comparison for relationships – 1.5hr, $180

This Reading can bring insight to your relationships by comparing two charts and how they align with each other. 
You will receive a copy of both natal charts.

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