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DALL·E 2024-08-24 11.41.17 - A tranquil and inviting metaphysical shop and healing center

At Blue Feather Healing & Growth Center, we believe in empowering adults and adolescents, to overcome adversity and build resilience through the power of self-determination. Our evidence-based services are designed to promote the autonomy and independence of individuals who have experienced trauma or adversity, as well as those looking for clarity and guidance in their own lives.


Our dedicated team specializes in working with adolescents and adults, guiding them on a transformative journey towards healing and growth. We understand the importance of recognizing personal strengths, interests, and goals in fostering balanced well-being. Through personalized plans, we help our clients develop the skills and confidence necessary to achieve their aspirations.


By incorporating activities and practices that promote self-determination, we empower our clients to take ownership of their lives and shape their future. We collaborate closely with families, schools, and community partners to create a supportive environment that nurtures our clients' autonomy and independence.


Our center provides a safe, compassionate, and inclusive space where all can explore their emotions, express themselves, and build meaningful connections with others facing similar challenges. We deliver individual, group, and family sessions that are tailored to meet the unique needs of each client.


We invite you to join us on this transformative journey towards resiliency. Together, we can unlock the potential within each adolescent and adult, helping them overcome obstacles and embrace a brighter future. 


Empower. Heal. Thrive.


Metaphysical Shop

About Section

Drumming Up Resilience through Self Determination

Drum circles, deeply rooted in Native American traditions, are interactive and communal gatherings where participants come together to play in natural settings, echoing the sacred connection between music, rhythm, and nature. People from all walks of life are welcomed to join in.


Engaging in drum circles can bring forth a multitude of benefits for participants. Firstly, they provide a channel for self-expression and creativity, allowing individuals to tap into their innate musicality and rhythmic abilities. Drumming has been revered for its therapeutic properties, inducing a meditative state that reduces stress, calms the mind, and promotes overall well-being. As the rhythms intertwine and harmonize, brainwaves synchronize, leading to a profound sense of connection and enhanced focus.


Moreover, drum circles foster social interaction and community building, as participants collaborate, listen, and respond to each other's rhythms. This shared experience transcends cultural boundaries, bridging diverse backgrounds and fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of all walks of life. 


Astrology Readings 

Astrology, an ancient practice dating back thousands of years, offers a fascinating lens through which we can explore the depths of our personalities, relationships, and life's unfolding journey. Our team of experienced astrologers combines their deep understanding of celestial influences with intuitive wisdom to provide you with personalized readings that can illuminate your path and empower you to make informed decisions.


We offer a wide range of astrology readings tailored to meet your unique needs. Whether you're curious about your natal chart, seeking answers about your love life, career prospects, or simply craving a deeper understanding of yourself, our skilled astrologers are here to guide you. Through the alignment of the planets and the interpretation of their cosmic dance, our readings delve into the essence of who you are, the challenges you may face, and the opportunities that await you. Our aim is to provide you with clarity, validation, and a sense of direction, helping you navigate life's twists and turns with confidence and purpose. Embark on a transformative journey with us and discover the profound wisdom that astrology holds for your life.



Divination Readings
Tarot ~

Welcome to our realm of divination and spiritual guidance, where the mystical arts of Tarot, and Medicine Card readings come alive. Drawing upon ancient wisdom and intuition, our skilled readers utilize these powerful tools to tap into the unseen realms and unlock the secrets of your past, present, and future. Through the intricate symbolism and ethereal messages of Tarot, and the wisdom of Medicine cards, we offer profound insights and illuminate the paths that lie before you.


Tarot, with its rich history dating back centuries, serves as a map of the human experience, reflecting the archetypal energies that shape our lives. Our Tarot readers skillfully interpret the cards' imagery and meanings, unraveling the hidden truths that can guide you through life's challenges and decisions.


Medicine cards, inspired by indigenous cultures, reveal powerful animal archetypes that carry specific messages and teachings, offering deep insights into your spiritual journey and connection to nature.


Through Tarot, and Medicine Card readings, we invite you to gain clarity, find guidance, and ignite your inner wisdom.


Holistic Energy Care

Holistic Energy Care recognizes that we are more than just physical bodies – we are intricate beings of energy, interconnected and influenced by the energetic forces that surround us. Through various modalities such as Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Grid Alignment, Breath-work and Sound Rejuvenation. Holistic Energy Care works on the principle that imbalances or blockages in our energetic systems can lead to physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments. By restoring and harmonizing the flow of energy within us, Holistic Energy Care promotes holistic harmony and helps us reconnect with our innate vitality and wholeness.


At our center, we offer a safe and nurturing space for individuals to embark on their transformative energy journey. Our experienced practitioners are dedicated to guiding and supporting you as you tap into the profound potential within yourself. Through gentle touch, intention, and the redirection of subtle energies, holistic energy care sessions can bring relief from physical pain, alleviate stress and anxiety, enhance emotional well-being, and restore a sense of balance and harmony. Whether you are seeking relief from specific ailments or yearning for a deeper connection to your inner self and the universal energy that surrounds us, holistic energy care provides a powerful avenue for balance, self-discovery, and personal growth.


Classes & Workshops

We offer a diverse range of classes and workshops designed to nurture your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Our center is dedicated to providing a supportive and transformative environment that promotes self-healing and personal growth. Through our carefully curated programs, we aim to empower individuals to embark on their unique wellness journeys.


Our classes and workshops are thoughtfully crafted to cater to various needs and interests. Whether you are seeking stress relief, self-discovery, or holistic healing practices, we have something for everyone. Our experienced and compassionate instructors bring their expertise and passion to each session, ensuring a nurturing and inclusive space for all participants. From yoga and meditation to sound rejuvenation and mindfulness, our classes encompass a wide range of modalities that promote relaxation, self-awareness, and inner peace. Additionally, we offer workshops that delve deeper into topics such as energy care, mindfulness-based stress reduction, resilience, self determination and emotional well-being, providing you with practical tools and knowledge to enhance your overall quality of life.



Store Hours: 

Tuesday - Friday 10am - 6pm
Saturday - Sunday 10am - 5pm

Closed Mondays

Healing Services, Classes and Workshops will still happen when
scheduled during the closed store times. 


95 NM 344 Suite 8
Edgewood, NM 87015 

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